Healthy Holiday Tips for Ashtangi’s

T’is the season for Holiday get-togethers, tons of delicious food, and possibly staying at your in-laws for an extended period of time.

The holidays can be challenging for us Ashtangis. Our daily practice routine may be altered. We might find ourselves indulging in more treats than usual and feeling heavy and bloated. And staying with your family for a week may at times feel more challenging than kapotasana!

But fear not, this week we’re going to give you some simple tips to keep you feeling great this Holiday season!

When it comes to practice, think consistency over quantity.

Rather than feeling the pressure to do your entire practice, every single day (especially if you’re away from your Shala), just try and show up on your mat each day. Get on your mat, see what happens, and see what you have time for. Maybe it’s sun salutations, maybe it’s the entire thing.

Notice any attachment to your practice. Notice if any discomfort arises on a day that you don’t get to practice as a result of family commitments.

The Holidays are really a time for family, so give yourself a break, and spend some time with them! The Ashtanga Police won’t come after you.

Actually, just to be safe, contact the Ashtanga Police Department in your community to determine the protocol, and to avoid any missing Ashtangi reports. 

When it comes to food, be mindful, set yourself up for success but cut yourself some slack!

As the sole vegan in a family of meat eaters, I am no stranger to bringing my own food to our Holiday dinners. Over the years I’ve learned that it’s much easier than expecting other people to accommodate my needs. I personally love cooking and getting creative around the holidays. I also like knowing exactly what goes into my food because I’m a wee bit of a health foodie, and a typical type-a Ashtangi.

If figuring out what to make for Holiday dinners is something you struggle with, here are some delicious vegan holiday recipes to help you out!

Now vegan, or not, the holidays are a time of sweets, treats, and tons of food. And honestly, you can bring your own food, and eat as healthy as possible, but really there’s no need to deprive yourself! Yup, you heard me. Pay attention to your body, honor what it wants, and eat the damn cake! …or pie.

If you’re feeling bloated over the Holidays, try sipping some “CFC” tea throughout the day.

Take 1 tsp each of whole cumin, fennel and coriander, and bring them to a boil in about 2 cups of water. Strain the seeds, and pour the tea into a mug. Sip this throughout the day, or after a big meal to help with digestion and bloating!

When it comes to family, this is what you’ve been practicing for people! Practice patience!

Ram Dass once said, “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”

The Holiday season is the time of year when many of us go spend a bit of time with our parents or in-laws, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming.

Listen, there is nothing inherently wrong with our families, it’s just different than what we’re used to. Often times we’re running on a different schedule, in a different environment, with a different routine. And this can be overwhelming in the best of circumstances.

So if you’re finding yourself frustrated with family this holiday season, do what you do when your practice gets difficult – breathe.

Another thing that will make you feel better, is making this super delicious home-made vegan eggnog recipe!

It comes together with a few ingredients, and can be spiced or spiked to your liking!

Vegan Holiday Nogg Recipe

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup soaked cashews
  • 2.5 cups water
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp ginger
  • 5-6 dates (or 2-3 tbsp maple syrup) – sweeten to taste!
  • 1/2 tsp Ashwagandha or Shatavari (optional)
  • a few ounces of bourbon (optional)

Here’s how you’ll make it:

It’s really hard guys so follow these steps carefully…

  1. Place everything in a blender, and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust flavors to your personal taste.

Did you get that? I know, it’s a lot. But if you have any questions just write them in the comments 😉

Alright, I hope you enjoyed these holiday tips, and have a very merry Holiday season!




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Melissa Singh